I have arrived here in the beautiful country of Argentina... FINALLY! The travelling part has been okay. I was able to meet some very interesting people. The sister that i was on the plane from St. George with was so cool! She had a very amazing story. I learned alot from her and her faith. When I got to Salt Lake I went to my gate and met up with some Elders and Sister Gardner. They are all going to my same mission and we made the rest of the trip together. On the plane to Dallas I sat next to an interesting man who works in oil and served a mission in Brazil many years ago. He gave me some good advice. In Dallas, I was able to get to know Sister Gardner much better. She is a nurse and is serving as a medical helper person in the mission. We had the same shoes! haha but she knows spanish alot better than I do so she will only be here in the MTC for only 3 weeks. Im going to be here for NINE weeks! But back to Dallas, as Sister Gardner and I were walking around trying to find a good place to eat, a man came up and said you guys stand out like a sore thumb and then offered to buy us lunch. It was so nice of him! So after a long long wait in Dallas we got on the plane and I sat next to a really awesome man from Buenos Aires. He spoke english and we were able to talk about Uruguay and Argentina. I was going to give him a pass along card at the end of the flight but i chickened out... I know I know! We got to Buenos Aires and it was much more different than i thought it would be. It was humid and so so crowded. I felt a little out of place. But a lady came and got all eleven of us and took us to the MTC. Its a very nice place! Air conditioning and relatively good food haha my companion here is herman kleinfeld shes from orem. I dont know too much about her yet but ill fill ya in when i do. Shes really nice. The president here is awesome. He and his wife are from west jordan and they got here about two weeks ago. I just had a meeting with him and he has a good spirit. His wife is so kind! Im in good hands here. Well, I bet you werent expecting a letter in such great detail but i even surprise myself sometimes! The only way you can expect more detailed and great letters is to write me letters! haha I love you guys all so much! the spirit is strong here.. i can already feel spanish coming into my brain. Ill write ya next week :)
Love, Hermana Crofts
ps. Lydia, thats not my name! I love you very much and miss you
Pss Emma I saw elmo down here and he told me to say hi to you
pss Tommy, ball and uh oh
psss Josh and Johnny, BLAH (tongue out)
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